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The Channels 3 of 3 (Set of 3 Audio Files)

In these talks, the Channels are examined in greater detail, starting with the Channels around the Crown, Mind, and Throat. Next we look at Channels associated with the Self, Heart, Spleen, Sacral, Emotions and Root Centers.

$7.95 Update $7.95

The Channels 1 of 3 (Set of Three Audio Files)

In these talks, the Channels are examined in greater detail, starting with the Channels around the Crown, Mind, and Throat. Next we look at Channels associated with the Self, Heart, Spleen, Sacral, Emotions and Root Centers.

$7.95 Update $7.95

The Channels 2 of 3 (Set of 3 Audio Files)

In these talks, the Channels are examined in greater detail, starting with the Channels around the Crown, Mind, and Throat. Next we look at Channels associated with the Self, Heart, Spleen, Sacral, Emotions and Root Centers.

$7.95 Update $7.95
Sub Total: $23.85
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